Monday, August 18, 2008

The Newest Member of Our Family

Meet Nicky.  Nicky came to live with us on Saturday. Nicky is 4.5 years old and is, as you can see by the pictures, quite large. Nicky comes to us from Pete's mother. She has had Nicky since she rescued him from a shelter in Springfield, MA. As Nicky craves attention and she has 4 other cats, it was hard for her to give him the attention he so badly wanted. Pete and I have discussed taking Nicky on and off for the last few months. He's here now and adjusting to our house and two hissing biddies (a.k.a. Chloe and Hannah). Chloe is very interested in Nicky but hisses and growls when he gets too close. I guess that's only natural as this is HER house!

Nicky is a ragdoll cat (yes, we believe a purebred). He's got a touch of ADD as he cannot stay in one place or position any longer than 20 seconds. He's very sociable and lovable and we're very glad we have him! :)


ROXY said...

Oh Iove Nicky:) I can't wait to come over and see him!! What a great addition to your family:)

Lady Blogger said...

Yeah, he is a beauty! He's about 3x the size of Chloe! She's very interested in him but when he comes over to smell her she hisses at him and growls. Hannah just stays out of the way. It's a little nutty in here at times!

Anna said...

Welcome, Nicky! What a beauty!

Lady Blogger said...

Thanks Anna!

Serena said...

what a cutey!

Lady Blogger said...

Yeah, he's cute alright but meow, meow, meow!! He kept us up for the better part of the night last night with his meowing! We're giving him a break though as he's still adjusting and the other two aren't very friendly toward him.

Serena said...

yeah it's no fun when that cats are first mom had a tough time with puddy and tat. puddy would not come down stairs to the first floor and tat wouldn't let her and he wasn't allowed upstairs on the second floor for the longest time...all we heard all night was hissing and growling.