Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Laundry and an Escapee

Laundry, laundry, laundry.  One can never escape it!  Yesterday, my pal Roxy and I went shopping at the outlets in Lee, MA.  It was my once a year clothing trip for school clothes.  Since today is a warm, sunny day, I figured it would be a perfect time to hang outside.  It took me a while to hang up my clothes today as many of them are on the delicate and stretchy side.  I had to pin several of them up with multiple clothespins as to not stretch the bottom bands out too much.  That's one thing that I don't like about drying outside -- I can always tell if I was in a rush when I put on one of my nicer shirts: A too stretched out bottom band! I do love spending the time outside and knowing that I am using much less electricity by doing it this way.

While making my way outside for the umpteenth time, Chloe, my resident escapee, made a break for it.  She's strictly an indoor cat but loves fresh grass.  The little box of pet grass I bought for her at Petco last week looks yellow and is mighty wilted.  I know she was just lookin' for a bit of the green stuff. (Notice my lawn: it's quite yellow also.  She went right for that patch of green crab grass!)   My little lady was scooped up and brought back into the porch shortly after this picture.


ROXY said...

I see London, I see France, I see Peter's underpants:)

Lady Blogger said...

Yeah, uh, you weren't supposed to see that..... :) Don't tell him they're on here!!

Anna said...

Hey, the first thing I noticed was the unmentionables! :)

Lady Blogger said...
